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BOD's Meeting August 22,2024 at 2:00 pm

Joseph Snell

Old Business

  1. BOD's approved repair of Hole #4 drainage issue. Quote given to Blue Skies Enterprises for $9,850.00

  2. BOD's tabled the Golf Course Pro Shop parking lot repair due to lack of quotes

  3. BOD's approved the draft of the New Rules and Regulations. The approved document will be sent to the Villages for review.

    New Business

    1. BOD's approved Addendum B Section B of the Rules and Regulations which details use of and rental of areas in the Whistle Stop, Community Room, Patio.

    2. BOD's did not approve the Appeal Letter from a resident who appealed the negative decision by the Park Manager to store a utility trailer with a lawn mower in the RV Lot. The Board stated the request violated the current R&R's.

    3. The BOD's approved the maintenance contract for AC service with Pro Tech Air Conditioning of Orlando. for $2394.12 (semi annual). There will be a cost savings from 2023-2024.

    4. The BOD's approved the cost for selling available Co-Op shares for $40,000.00

    5. BOD's approved the repair of a drainage issue behind 3606 Duffer Ct. The original berm and detention pond had failed and maintenance is required. Contract given to Blue Skies Enterprises for $8,700

    6. The BOD of Directors approved a contract with the Community Association to acquire additional insurance for the cameras located outside of the Guard Shack. The Community Association will reimburse the Co-Op for additional premium costs incurred.

    Meeting Adjourned

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