This afternoon one of our residents who resides on Spillman Rd. suffered a house fire caused by a faulty electrical connection from a new Air conditioner installation. Orange County Fire Department responded to the scene quickly keeping the fire from spreading from under the home. While there I spoke with the owner and he and his family are not injured and Disaster Services will be putting the family up for the time being.
While at the scene I responded to Spillman and Cayman Rd. to direct traffic (had a little bit of experience). Spillman Rd was shutdown for over an hour and traffic was averted down Canopy Cir. David from Security was directing traffic at the southern portion of Spillman putting cars coming in onto Canopy. As the fire company was leaving one of the Fire Officers came over to me and began to tell me how they are dedicated to this community and residents. He also told me that he was disappointed with traffic (before traffic was averted). He said many tried to get around the fire equipment and when told they had to turn around they "Flipped" the fireman off and used choice language. Not knowing if these persons were residents or others visiting i advised him that I am taken back by this and assured him that I will put this out to the community. As a law enforcement officer with 48 years experience I have the upmost respect for what our Orange County Fire Department does for us. I will say that all residents' that I came into contact with at my post were polite and concerned with the family.
Over the next several hours the fire department will be returning to the home to check to make sure the fire does not reignite. Please be cautious as you drive along Spillman and remember if you cant get through to exit use Canopy Cir to get out of the park.
Thank you all your cooperation and concern.
Joseph Snell
It’s disgusting how some people act!
Very well said Kim and thank you Mr Snell for the information. May God be with the family.
Thank you for your information. Supporting and respecting all who serve is paramount. Although disappointing to read, your message is a great reminder that disrespectful behaviors are not acceptable. I'm glad our residents were well taken care of, and I'm sorry any of this occurred. Again, thank you for sharing.