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Important Issue

Joseph Snell

On September 11th the Board of Directors held a closed door meeting to discuss a serious issue with our attorneys. Recently the Board was notified by Orange County that the Center Property (Approx. 103.2 acres) tax was reassessed and our payment will be $80,000 effective November 2023. The tax rate for the last several years has been $33,000. The property, since purchased has been zoned Residential. Following our meeting with the Attorneys it was decided that we will file for a reclassification to Common Grounds. This change will remove this property from the tax rolls. In the future if another Board should decide to develop any parcel of the property the Board would change the zoning classification to the appropriate classification. We were told that this change may take a couple of months and if we have to pay the tax payment it should be reimbursed. This change will result in a long-term financial benefit for the Community.

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Meanwhile you can challenge the assessment of the current value. I plan to challenge my new assessment as it is about $20K too high based on actual sales. Don't just pay it, challenge it. Would you not do so if it was your personal tax bill?


Chris Goeckel
Chris Goeckel
Sep 15, 2023

Huzzah to permanent common grounds! It’s like we have our very own state park!


Linda Thompson
Linda Thompson
Sep 14, 2023

Was the zoning changed last year? It seems drastic that taxes more than doubled in one year.

Joseph Snell
Sep 19, 2023
Replying to

No the property has been zoned residential since 2014

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